Strain details
Nomenclature SHR/NCrlOzarc
Common nameSHR
SynonymsSpontaneously Hypertensive (SHR) Rat
Coat colourAlbino (c)
Genetic background-
LocationVivarium 4
SupplyTier 1: off-the-shelf, pre-allocation, breed on request

Strain description

  • MHC Haplotype RT1k
  • Animals are aggressive.
  • Blood pressure measured as part of Phenotype Management Plan.
  • Blood pressure of 150-160mm Hg by 10 weeks of age in males and females.
  • High incidence of periarteritis nodosa autoimmune in origin, myocardial infarctions, nephrosclerosis, lymphopaenia and variable incidence of cerebral lesions relative to the degree of hypertension.
  • Okamoto, Kyoto School of Medicine, 1963, from outbred Wistar Kyoto male with marked elevation of blood pressure mated to female with slightly elevated blood pressure. Brother x sister mating with continued selection for spontaneous hypertension was then started.
  • To NIH in 1966 from Okamoto at F13. To Charles River from NIH in 1973 at F32.
  • Animal Resources Centre (ARC), Western Australia received strain from Charles River Laboratories, USA (2003).
  • Stock strain is transferred to Ozgene ARC in 2023.
  • Ideal of genetic hypertension, hypertensive drug research, ADHD model, safety and efficacy testing
320 - 5925 - 54
37 - 9537 - 82
554 - 10649 - 97
688 - 19170 - 119
7142 - 229101 - 140
8162 - 257124 - 160
9189 - 273132 - 169
10207 - 289145 - 186
11174 - 252154 - 195
12237 - 319159 - 216
13244 - 326159 - 212
14270 - 343163 - 200

Past ARC reports:

Current Ozgene ARC reports (from 01-Jun-2023)

  • Rat images are representative only. Actual phenotypes may vary based on genotype, sex, age, husbandry, health status, and other factors.