Immunity 1996 Apr;4(4):407
Resistance to endotoxin shock and reduced dissemination of gram negative bacteria in CD14 deficient mice.
Division of Molecular Medicine, North Shore University Hospital, Cornell University Medical College, Manhasset, New York 11030, USA.
Service type: Knockout mice
Endotoxin shock is the result of activation of the immune system by endotoxin/LPS, a component of Gram-negative bacteria. CD14, a GPI-anchored glycoprotein expressed strongly by monocyte/macrophages, is one of several receptors for endotoxin/LPS. The role of CD14 in bacterial-induced and LPS-induced shock was tested in CD14-deficient mice produced by gene targeting in embryonic stem cells. CD14-deficient mice were found to be highly resistant to shock induced by either live Gram-negative bacteria or LPS; however, at very high concentrations of LPS or bacteria, responses through non-CD14 receptors could be detected. Surprisingly, CD14-deficient mice also showed dramatically reduced levels of bacteremia, suggesting an unexpected role for CD14 in the dissemination of Gram-negative bacteria.
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