Research features
Humanised mice
Humanised mice are essential tools in biological and medical research, helping scientists bridge the gap between murine models …
Decoding NK cell signals: insights into Chemokine- mediated immune responses
Discover how Dr. Christian Kurts partnered with Ozgene to develop an innovative dual reporter mouse model, revolutionizing our …
Large genomic humanisations
Targeted insertion of large human genomic sequences into mouse models is a significant advancement in preclinical research. …
Unmasking Challenges of CRISPR in Mouse Model Research
CSRIPR-cas9 genome editing promises an exciting and diverse array of research opportunities from personalised medicine to agriculture. …
Novel App mouse model for Alzheimer’s
New insights into AD pathophysiology using a novel App knock-in mouse with three disease-causing mutations …
Impaired mRNA processing in Dido knockout mice
The knockout phenotype highlights the significance of mRNA processing and aids the understanding of human mRNA metabolism …
Knockout anxiety behaviour
Mice with a knockout of liver X receptor beta in astrocytes exhibit anxiety-like behaviours, providing a new target …
Knock-in mice to the rescue
Knock-in mice have an insertion in a specific locus in order to produce genetically modified mice for various …
Advances in antitumour immunity
An important function of the immune system is its ability to recognise and attack foreign cells without damaging …
Sending ‘Hobit’ on a quest
In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are more aware than ever how exposed our bodies are …
CRISPR knockout & knock-in mice
The potential of CRISPR technology is very exciting, but there are some limitations to its usefulness and drawbacks …
Insights into cancer research
Many of our customers work in the field of cancer research. We would like to share two recent …
Innate immunity insights
Our immune system consists of innate and adaptive subsystems working together. …
Epigenetics and the brain
Psychiatric conditions are often caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. …
Shedding light on EPP
While most of us enjoy a sunny day, people suffering from erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) have a less pleasant …
Insights into pluripotency
Embryonic Stem (ES) cells are pluripotent; they are able to develop into any cell type in an embryo …
Cancer vaccines
Cancer vaccines are currently the focus of numerous research groups worldwide. …
Revisiting Niemann-Pick Type C
Back in 2011, Ozgene created two mouse models for the Hempel family, whose twin daughters suffer from a …
NO to Exercise?
Exercise is good for you. Who hasn’t heard that one before? We know about the benefits of exercise …
New Ebola research
Ebola virus disease is associated with a severe haemorrhagic fever illness with a fatality rate of up to …
Novel epilepsy mouse model
Epilepsy is a collective name for a group of neurological diseases. …
Candid candidiasis research
The word ‘candida’ usually makes us think of inconvenient, yet relatively harmless fungal infections. …
Brain search
Neurodegenerative disease refers to a range of conditions that affect the neurons in the brain. …
Understanding autism
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a lifelong neurodevelopmental disorder that first manifests in early childhood. …
The maternal brain
Physical changes in pregnancy are easily noticeable but the brain also undergoes some extraordinary modifications to prepare for …
The epic of type 2 diabetes
Almost 90% of people with type 2 diabetes are overweight or obese. …
I can’t CU
Copper deficiency is a rare condition, sometimes caused by hereditary disorders. …
Jacob’s role in brain signalling
The brain has an incredible ability to reorganise itself by creating new neural pathways. …
Zinc fingers crossed
Research into the physiological functions of proteins is an extensive field of modern biomedicine. …
Breathing easy
The respiratory system has effective and complex defence mechanisms to protect itself against infections. …
Knock-in continues quest for diabetes cure
Diabetes is a major health challenge worldwide and understanding the disease is the focus of intensive research for …
Anti-Id matters
Anti-idiotope (anti-Id) antibodies play a role in therapy against B cell lymphomas, as inhibitors of pathogenic autoantibodies, and …
The heart of the matter
Heart disease is one of the most common health conditions affecting individuals across the globe. …
Varying effects of PAPP-A2
What are the genetic and physiological mechanisms that contribute to diversity within species? …
Knock-in to assist brain research
Structural brain disorders are one of the most obvious causes of pathology encountered by paediatric neurologists. …
Mastering Mutagenesis
The world today is riddled with carcinogens and harmful mutagens ranging from the food we eat to the …
New approaches for treating Colon Cancer
Colon cancer; now that’s a diagnosis that no one wants to hear and yet 15,000 families in Australia …
Obesity – the big and the small of it
According to the WHO, worldwide obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years and in 2014 …
Mice unravel new roles for DNA caretakers
Mice make excellent models to study human medicine. …
Insights into human language
Have you ever wondered how humans evolved from primates? What makes us different? …
Heart Focus
Congenital heart defects affect almost 1% of all live births. They arise from disruption of normal developmental processes, …
Cytoskeletal dynamics & metabolism
Discovering a lump or a bump on your body can be very concerning, as it may be the …
Fertile Considerations
Did you know that according to WHO, infertility affects up to 15% of reproductive-aged couples worldwide? …
Navigating Metabolism
For decades, scientists have been analyzing signaling pathways in the hope of developing effective therapies. …
Brain Matters
As our population continues to age and life expectancies increase, so does the burden of neurodegenerative conditions such …
Joint effort on arthritis research
Inflammation is usually the body's protective response to harmful stimuli, such as injury and infection. …
The ongoing Morse quest to break the code
Most Virology and Cellular Immunology studies are mouse-based and use a wide range of experimental approaches to understand …
What happens when you are one of the 0.0001%?
When a disease or disorder only affects between 1 to 3 people per 1,000,000 worldwide, most don’t give …
Putting the squeeze on obesity
What determines how much fat is stored on our bodies? That’s a question many people would like the …
Can you see the target?
Most people take the ability to see colour for granted. This is not the case for the 8-10% …
A mouse well travelled
It was recently brought to our attention that a mouse model generated by Ozgene has become very useful …
Mouse model gives new insight into enzyme inhibiting drugs
Diabetes and cancer are some of the biggest medical concerns that we are faced with in current times. …
Call Us Scent O’ Mental
We would like to congratulate Ozgene's long-term customer, Dr. Peter Mombaerts, on his recent TEDxBrussels Talk on Targeting …
What happens when you mix a little hope with curiosity?
As scientists, we are motivated by our curiosity. This curiosity can be attributed to great advances in humanity, …