Strain details
Nomenclature DA/Ozarc
Common nameDA
SynonymsDark Agouti
Coat colourAgouti (A, B, C, H)
Genetic background-
LocationVivarium 4
SupplyTier 2: pre-allocation, breed on request

Strain description

  • MHC haplotype: RT1av1
  • Uses include:
    • Studies on transplantable salivary gland adenocarcinomas
    • Studies on transplantation immunology
    • Studies on autoimmune disease (eg thyroiditis).
  • Occasional hydrocephalus.
  • Good breeding performance.
  • In 1997 this strain was replaced with DA rats imported from Bantin & Kingman, UK.
  • Substrain of DA bred at Animal Resources Centre (ARC), Australia
  • Received from ARC in 2023.
  • Used for the studies on transplantable salivary gland adenocarcinomas, transplantation immunology, autoimmune disease (eg. thyroiditis); occasional hydrocephalus
323 - 4522 - 36
32 - 7029 - 56
548 - 10950 - 83
663 - 14473 - 111
798 - 17293 - 126
8132 - 202113 - 147
9153 - 224123 - 156
10172 - 245133 - 165
11182 - 254137 - 174
12193 - 268149 - 185
13202 - 258158 - 188
14208 - 270159 - 191

Past ARC reports:

Current Ozgene ARC reports (from 01-Jun-2023)

  • Rat images are representative only. Actual phenotypes may vary based on genotype, sex, age, husbandry, health status, and other factors.