We are moving at the end of June

We are moving at the end of June

We are moving at the end of June

Ozgene ARC is moving

This is to inform you that Ozgene ARC will be moving facilities at the end of June. After confidential discussions with all respective parties regarding lease arrangements, we can now share our plans with you.

Lease & relocation plans

Our current lease ends on 30 June, and our new facility at Curtin University Technology Park is still undergoing refit. There have been delays related to sourcing construction materials and ensuring sufficient power to the site, which are beyond our control. Unfortunately, we have been unable to secure an extension to the current lease.

We are happy to announce that we are finalising arrangements to lease vivarium space in another animal facility, allowing us to relocate the Ozgene ARC animals as follows:

  • Oz1 immunocompromised mouse & rat strains will be housed in Ozgene’s existing animal facility in Curtin University Technology Park, which also houses our custom-generated mouse lines.
  • Oz2/3/5 mouse stock lines will be housed in the newly sourced vivarium space. The leased space is self-contained and the animals will be managed by Ozgene ARC staff using our processes and technical solutions.
  • Oz4 rat stock lines will be housed at Ozgene’s existing premises in Curtin University Technology Park in a clean space refitted as a vivarium that has not held animals before.

Health status & testing

Please find the current health reports and strain lists for each area in Ozgene health reports, including the custom-strain facility where Oz1 animals will be relocated. The reports show no detection of pathogens or commensals, except for Oz4 rats, which continue to show two commensals detected in ARC health reports in 2021-2022 before the transfer of the animals to Ozgene ARC. We will perform additional health testing in all areas to monitor any changes in health status.

Ensuring minimal disruption

While our location is changing, our staff and processes remain the same. The moving plan has been drafted with our veterinarian to ensure effective biosecurity measures and minimal disruption to the animals. They will be traveling in their original cages to maintain their comfort and security.

Animal shipments

The move will take place 27-29 June. Our staff will contact customers with shipments booked for the week following our move (1-5 July). We recommend rescheduling shipments to the week before (24-27 June) or the week after (8-12 July), as applicable.

Further communication

We will advise further details of the lease arrangement as soon as possible and appreciate your patience.