Ozgene ARC ordering portal

Ozgene ARC ordering portal

Ozgene ARC ordering portal

Latest update (June 2024):
Ozgene ARC ordering portal now fully operational

The Ozgene ARC ordering portal is now fully operational and all stock strains are available
for purchase. To view all available stock strains click here!

To register on the ordering portal, click here.

Biosecurity update

All Ozgene ARC animal areas are now equipped with Individually Ventilated Cages (IVC). The areas and equipment were fumigated by LAF Technologies using SixLog iHP® (ionised Hydrogen Peroxide) technology, effectively eliminating bio-contamination. All strains are regularly tested for specific pathogens according to FELASA standards. Health reports are available on our website.

View the reports here.

Registration now open

The Ozgene ARC ordering portal is now online and we welcome you to register your details. Account approval for any existing ARC customers will occur within 1 business day. Any new customers will be contacted directly if we require additional details to approve your account. If you order animals to several shipping addresses, you will only need to register once. The portal allows you to enter multiple shipping addresses under one account. Please note that this step is simply to register your account and no animals are available for purchase at this time.


The first Ozgene ARC area (Oz1) is now fitted out with new Individually Ventilated Cages (IVC). The area, IVCs and other equipment have been fumigated by LAF Technologies using SixLog iHP® (ionised Hydrogen Peroxide) technology for the elimination of environmental bio-contamination, including viruses, bacteria, fungi/mould, and microbial spores. Post-fumigation samples from Oz1 have been analysed by Biotest Laboratories. None of the biological indicators recorded any growth after a full 7 days of incubation. The report is available on our website.

The first strains to populate Oz1 have been tested for specific pathogens according to the standards set by the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA). Live animals have been sent to an external testing laboratory, Cerberus Sciences, and health reports are available on our website.

First strains available for purchase soon

The transition of mouse and rat lines from ARC to Ozgene ARC is gradual and focused on minimising any disruption to ongoing research projects. There will be an overlap period where some lines can still be purchased at ARC while others will be available from Ozgene ARC. We anticipate having the first strains available for purchase in the next two weeks. All available strains will be listed on the the Ozgene website and you will received weekly email notifications regarding new strain availability.