Dr Jonathan Gauntlett – Senior Scientist
Dr Jonathan Gauntlett – Senior Scientist

Jonathan is instrumental in guiding our team on projects from start to finish. Prior to joining Ozgene, Jonathan worked at Ondek Ltd in their Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Group, where he worked on the construction of genetic systems. His main focus involved vector design and gene knockouts and knock-ins for the manipulation of Helicobacter pylori for human applications.
Jonathan gained his PhD at the University of Otago, New Zealand and undertook his postdoctoral research at Massey University, New Zealand, where he isolated, purified and biochemically characterised bacterial membrane proteins, cloned vectors and created knockout strains.
At Ozgene, Jonathan provides our clients with exceptional project design and construction expertise. He is responsible for client project assessments and vector design. He also analyses and reviews internal scientific processes with a view of continuously improving them.
Even though Jonathan comes to Perth from New Zealand, he has embraced Perth weather and routinely cycles to work on his push bike. We commend him for his environmental choices and the important work he does for us (of course!).