Strain details
Nomenclature A/JOzarc
Common nameA/J
Coat colourAlbino (a/a Tyrp1b/Tyrp1b Tyrc/Tyrc)
Genetic background-
JAX stock number000646
LocationVivarium 2
SupplyTier 1: off-the-shelf, pre-allocation, breed on request

Strain description

  • MHC haplotype: H2Ka
  • Complement factor: C5 deficient
  • High social dominance of males in competition for females.
  • High spontaneous incidence of lung adenomas and mammary tumours in breeding females.
  • Congenital defects include cleft lip/palate and polydactyly at a prevalence of up to 10%.
  • Incidence of nephritis and amyloidosis nearly 100% at 15 months.
  • Low aggression and low responsiveness in general (activity, alcohol, anaesthesia, metabolism).
  • Presence of hearing loss and blindness.
  • A/J mice are challenging breeders, exhibiting reduced productivity and high incidence of non-productive matings. They may require some special maintenance. A/J mice tend to be very docile and easy to work with. A 2022 study found vaginal septa in <2% of females.
  • A/J inbred mice were developed by LC Strong in 1921 from a cross between a Cold Spring Harbor albino and a Bagg albino stock.
  • The strain was subsequently maintained and bred by Arthur Cloudman after receiving breeders in 1928.
  • A/J inbred mice are a valuable model for a wide range of research areas, including cancer, immunology, cardiovascular, developmental biology, sensorineural, behaviour, and disease studies.
  • They are also used in studies on CD antigens, antigen receptors, and histocompatibility markers.

Past ARC and transfer reports:

Current Ozgene ARC reports (from 01-Jun-2023)

  • Mouse images are representative only. Actual phenotypes may vary based on genotype, sex, age, husbandry, health status, and other factors.